I grew up watching Star Trek (The Original Series, Deep Space 9, The Next Generation etc) with my dad and I got a lot more into it as an adult during the panini, mostly Deep Space 9 🚀🛸😊
I love the adventures and the stories.
I love the adventures and the stories.
Even with aliens the show touches on our humanity. I love the characters, how different species think differently, have different values and beliefs. There’s a lot there!!
I was honored, happy and grateful to be asked to DJ the screening of Paramount Plus’ new movie Section 31 which came out Jan 24 starring Michelle Yoh 🎉
The night was out of this world 💫 and I’m so glad we got to celebrate people’s hard work and dedication in this film!
We had a time 🎉 and at the end of the evening because Humberly and her friends are from Venezuela, we got to celebrate with Latin Music 😉😊🎉💃🕺💥💥💥🐰
Professional Pictures 1-3 by George Pimentel
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